Acta Morphologica et Anthropologica Volume 24(1-2)

Table of Contents


P. Hrischev, P. Atanassova, N. Penkova, G. Rancic, P. Angelova, K. Georgieva (2017). Disorder Progression in Rat High-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diet Induced Metabolic Syndrome. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 3-9.

N. Tomov, L. Surchev (2017). The Astrocytic Environment Differs among the Divisions of the Rat Striatum. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 10-14. 

N. Tomov, L. Surchev (2017). Punctate Staining as Indirect Evidence for Microglial Ramification. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 15-18.

A. Iliev, G. Kotov, B. Landzhov, L. Jelev, I. N. Dimitrova, L. Malinova, D. Hinova-Palova (2017). A Comparative Analysis of Capillary Density in the Myocardium of Normotensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats . Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 19-25.

J. Indjova, Kh. Fakih, D. Sivrev (2017). Histomorphometric Studies of the Healing Process in Artificial Bone Defects in Rabbit Long Bones. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 26-32.

I. Ilieva, R. Toshkova, E. Zvetkova, I. Sainova, I. Vladov (2017). Morphological Studies on Spermatogenesis and Graffi Myeloid Tumor Cell Dessemination (Methastases) in the Testes of Tumor-Bearing Hamsters. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 33-40.

V. Broshtilova, M. Gantcheva (2017). Erosive Pustular Dermatosis of the Scalp. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 41-44.

Anthropology and Anatomy

S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev (2017). Cranial Base Angulation in Metopic and Non-metopic Cranial Series. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 45-49.

S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev (2017). Application of Digital Radiography for Examination of the Calvarial Diploic Venous Channels in Intact Dry Skulls. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 50-54.

Toneva, S. Nikolova, I. Georgiev (2017). Accuracy of Linear Measurements on Polygonal Models of Dry Mandibles Generated From Industrial CT Data. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 55-62. 

A. Dimitrova (2017). A Study of Hand Grip Strength in Prepubescent Tennis Players. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 63-67.

A. Iliev, G. P. Georgiev, G. Kotov, B. Landzhov (2017). The Abductor Pollicis Longus Tendon as Grafting Material for Reconstructive Surgery of the Hand. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 68-73.

St. Stanchev, A. Iliev, L. Malinova, B. Landzhov (2017). A Rare Case of Bilateral Occipitoscapular Muscle. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 74-77.

Review Article

V. P. Nikolova, M. D. Markova, R. S. Zhivkova, I. V. Chakarova, V. P. Hadzhinesheva, S. M. Delimitreva (2017). Karyosphere, the Enigmatic “Surrounded Nucleolus” of Maturing Oocytes. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 78-84.

D. Shopova, T. Bozhkova, D. Slavchev, S. Muletarov (2017). Anatomical Features of Maxillary Bone Related to Removable Prosthetics. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 85-90.

A. Katsarov, D. Zlatkova, M. Christova (2017). Ten Years National Anthropological Museum. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica24(1-2). 91-99.