Table of Contents
Original Articles
А. Gradev, L. Jelev, N. Lazarov (2022). The Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis: Cytoarchitecture and Morphometry of its Subnuclear Organization in the Rat Brain Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 3-10. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.01
L. Malinova (2022). Morphology of NOS-Immunoreactive Neurons in the Human Thalamic
Reticular Nucleus and its Clinical Implications. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 11-17. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.02
N. Stamenov, L. Jelev, D. Atanasova, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov (2022). Microscopic Anatomy
of the Pulmonary Neuroepithelial Bodies in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 18-21. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.03
N. Davcheva (2022). Morphology of the Sequelae of Increased Intracranial Pressure. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 22-28. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.04
L. Malinova (2022). Light Microscopical Study of the GABA-expression in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus of the Rat in the Postnatal Period. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 29-34. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.05
S. Genova, M. Pencheva, G. Kulinski (2022). Histopathological Model of COVID-19 Pneumonia. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 35-41. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.06
I. Stefanov, S. Stefanov (2022). Histochemical Characteristics and Density of Mast Cells in the
Porcine Conjunctiva and Eyeball. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 42-52. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.07
M. Panayotova-Pencheva (2022). Biodiversity of Endoparasites in Domestic Cats and Dogs
from the Sofia City, Bulgaria. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 53-61. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.08
V. Broshtilova, Tz. Vuteva, V. Kantardjiev, M. Gantcheva (2022). Oral Florid Papillomatosis
Associated with Malignant Acanthosis Nigricans – a Case Report. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 62-68. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.09
Review Articles
I. Ilieva, I. Sainova (2022). Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress as the Main Mechanism of Heavy Metal Toxicity in the Male Reproductive System. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 69-80. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.10
Anthropology and Anatomy
Original Articles
P. Khanra, K. Bose, R. Chakraborty (2022). Stunting is Associated with Low Birth Weight
Among 3-12 Years Old Boys in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 81-95. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.11
A. E. Godson, I. B. Chikaodili, T. Chia (2022). Morphometric Study of Umbilicus Position in
a Young Adult Population. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 96-103. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.12
Y. Demiraslan, İ. Hiz, B. Özdemir, S. Albay, A. İhsan Aytek, Ö. Özgel (2022). Shape
Differences in the Auricula of the Human Foetus: A Geometric Morphometric
Approach. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 104-116. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.13
A. Baltadjiev, M. Orbezova, S. Sivkov, M. Semerdjieva, Ts. Petleshkova, M. Ilieva-
Gerova (2022). Anthropometric Characteristics of Limbs and Body Circumferences in
Bulgarians with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 117-123. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.14
D. Marinova, M. Angelova, V. Zhekova (2022). Morton’s Toe Frequency Among the Bulgarian Population and its Association with High Arched Foot. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 124-129. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.15
Ts. Petleshkova, S. Sivkov, A. Baltadjiev, H. Manev, R. Raycheva, P. Timonov, V.
Beleva (2022). Study of the Facial Index in Young Bulgarians by 3D laser Scanning. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 130-136. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.16
Z. Özüdoğru, D. Özdemir, B. E. Teke, M. Kirbas (2022). Morphological and Craniometrical
Studies on the Skull of the South Karaman Sheep. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 137-150. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.17
I. Stefanov, S. Stefanov (2022). Calot`s Triangle – and Hepatocystic Triangle – Like Areas in Domestic Swine. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 151-160. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.18
L. Gaydarski, P. Iliev, Al. Alexandrov, B. Landzhov (2022). Traumatic diastasis of metopic
suture in an adult skull victim of a gunshot wound: a case report. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 161-165. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.19
Review Articles
V. Panchev (2022). The Population of Serdica During the Late Antiquity (IV-VI A.D.) According
to Anthropological and Archaeological Data. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 167-174. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.20
Yordanka Martinova (2021). In Memoriam – Professor Marlena Kristeva, PhD, DSc. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 29(1-2), 175-177. doi:10.7546/AMA.29.1-2.2022.21