Table of Contents
R. Alexandrova, T. Zhivkova, L. Dyakova, R. Kalfin, R. Tudose, E.-M. Mosoarca, O. Azmy, O. Costisor (2018). Effect of Nickel (II) Complexes with Mannich Bases on Viability and Proliferation of Human Cancer Cells. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 3-10.
D. Atanasova, A. Dandov, T. Kirov, N. Lazarov (2018). Mast Cells in the Rat Carotid Body. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 11-15.
V. Broshtilova, I. Litov, M. Gantcheva (2018). Periungual Pilomatrixoma – a Case with Very Rare Localization. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 16-19.
N. Penkova, P. Hrischev, P. Atanassova (2018). Hormonal Production of the Developing Gastrointestinal Tract of Rat. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 20-25.
S. Stanchev, A. Iliev, L. Malinova, B. Landzhov (2018). The Aging Kidney – A Quantitative Study on Superficial and Juxtamedullary Nephrons in Wistar Rats. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 26-32.
T. Stoyanova, N. Ivanova, J. Tchekalarova, L. Kortenska, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov (2018). Effects of Agomelatine and Lacosamide on Kainate-Induced Status Epilepticus, Epileptoge-nesis and EEG Seizure Activity in Wistar Rat. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 33-38.
J. Stoyloff (2018). Petri Net Representation and Analysis of Mannose Type O-Glycan Biosynthesis. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 39-44.
Anthropology and Anatomy
N. Atanassova, V. Todorov (2018). Results of Anthropological Analysis of Bone Remains in Grave No 1 from Archaeological Site at Kremikovtsi Monastery “St. Georgi Pobedonosets”, Sofia. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 45-53.
A. Baltadjiev (2018). An Anthropological Characteristic of the Distribution of Adipose Connective Tissue in Elderly Bulgarian Females with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 54-60.
I. Maslarski I, Y. Hodzhev, G. Gyulchev (2018). Aortic Arch Aneurysm Represented by a 3D Printing and Simulation of Fluid Movement through It. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 61-65.
S. Novakov, N. Yotova, I. Hristov, S. Prisadov (2018). Unusual Findings during Upper Limb Dissection. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 66-71.
N. Petrova, E. Andreenko, C. Iglesias, S. Sivkov (2018). Study of Fingerprint Patterns in Left-handed and Right-handed Bulgarian Individuals. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 72-80.
N. Tsandev, I. Stefanov, G. Kostadinov, A. Vodenicharov (2018). Anatomical Peculiarities and Morphometric Characteristics of the Intramural Part of Porcine Ureter. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 81-85.
Review Article
I. Dimitrova, G. Kotov, A. Iliev, B. Landzhov (2018). Transradial Approach for Heart Catheterization. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 93-97.
A. Iliev, G. Kotov, I. Dimitrova, B. Landzhov (2018). Electron Microscopy Studies on the Ultrastructure of the Myocardium in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 98-102.
M. Markova, S. Delimitreva, A. Kolarov, R. Zhivkova (2018). Impact of Autoimmunity on Oogenesis and Ovarian Morphology. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 103-107.
N. Tomov (2018). Preserving the Pontiff: an Account of the Body Preservation Methods Used by the Roman Catholic Church. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 117-121.
N. Tomov, J. (Y) Dzhangozov (2018). Wax Embedding as a Method for Preservation of Body Relics Used by the Orthodox Church. Acta Morphologica Et Anthropologica, 25(1-2), 122-125.